Visma e-conomic OpenAPI Budgets (2.0.0)

Download OpenAPI specification:Download


Click to see changelog.
Version Description Date
V2_0_0 Removed ID from PUT path. The Number property is no longer readonly. Removed sorting from accountNumber, amountDefaultCurrency fromDate and toDate July, 2024
V1_0_0 Added endpoints for GET, POST, PUT and DELETE budget-figures June, 2024


Add these three headers to your requests.

Header Value What is this?
X-AppSecretToken YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN This identifies your app. This is your secret token. Try using the value demo.
X-AgreementGrantToken YOUR_AGREEMENT_GRANT_TOKEN This identifies the grant issued by an agreement, to allow your app to access the agreements data. Try using the value demo.
Content-Type application/json We’re a JSON based API. This tells us that you agree with us on using JSON.

Optional headers:

Header Value What is this?
Idempotency-Key YOUR_IDEMPOTENCY_KEY This represents your own unique idempotency key. Enables you to make use of our Idempotency Tokens feature. You can't use this feature with GET requests.



    url: "",
    dataType: "json",
    headers: {
        'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
        'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
        'Accept': "application/json"
    type: "GET"
    .always(function (data) {
    $("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));


curl -H "X-AppSecretToken: demo" -H "X-AgreementGrantToken: demo"


Welcome to the Visma e-conomic OpenAPI documentation!

The e-conomic API is a document-based JSON REST API.

For more in-depth information about e-conomic itself, please have a look at the e-copedia



API releases are versioned using a three-part versioning scheme: {major version}.{minor version}.{patch version}.

We broadly follow Semantic Versioning principles when versioning the API. The major version number is incremented when a breaking change occurs.

The format is:

/{resource-api}/v{major version}.{minor version}.{patch version}/{resource-name}

Each value of the above are integers and you should configure the specific version in each API call.

An example could be: /subscriptionsapi/v1.0.0/subscriptions

To track the changes of versions, please see our changelog.

We reserve the right to deprecate versions at intervals since this allows for moving into a friendly environment for you faster.

Demo authentication

If you wish to try out the API before registering a developer agreement, you can do this by using the demo agreement, which mimics the authentication flow you will have to use when you create your app. All you have to do is specify HTTP header tokens X-AgreementGrantToken: demo and X-AppSecretToken: demo. Note however that you can only do GET requests with the demo agreement. If you want full access to our API's, you will need to register.

Retrieving data

Our data is exposed as collections of items. Each item has many properties, with one property as a unique identifier, usually called number or id. You can always get a single item if you already know the unique identifier. In case the unique identifier is not known, you can always search the collection and retrieve an array of items that satisfy the search criteria, or retrieve only the count of items that satisfy the search criteria. When you search for items in a collection, you can always use filtering, sorting and pagination. When it comes to pagination, we offer two distinct approaches available on separate endpoints. You can read more about filtering, sorting and pagination in the following sections.


Filtering is enabled on all collection endpoints but not on all properties.

Filtering on collections can be done using the query string parameter filter. A filter is made up of a set of predicates and follows a syntax inspired by mongoDB. A predicate is made up of a property name, an operator, and a value.

Example: ?filter=name$eq:Joe

This matches all resources with the value Joe in the property name.

Predicates can be chained using either of the logical operators AND and OR.

Example: ?filter=name$eq:Joe$and:city$like:*port

Filtering on strings is case insensitive.

Filterable properties

Information about what properties allow filtering and on what operators can be found in the property in the schema for the collection. Each property that allows filtering has the property "x-filterable" in combination with operators set. If you try to filter on something that isn’t allowed the server will respond with a status code 400.

Specifying Operator affinity

If you want to control the operator affinity then you can use parentheses.

An example is: ?filter=name$eq:Joe$and:(city$like:*port$or:age$lt:40)

URL Encoding

URL parameter values should always be URL compatible. Always URL encode filter strings.

Filter Operators

The possible filtering operators are:

Operator Syntax
Equals $eq:
Not equals $ne:
Greater than $gt:
Greater than or equal $gte:
Less than $lt:
Less than or equal $lte:
Substring match $like:
And also $and:
Or else $or:
In $in:
Not In $nin:

Substring matching

The $like: operator supports both using wildcards (*) and not using wildcards. If no wildcards are used, the expression is considered a contains expression and effectively becomes a filter with a wildcard at the start of the string and one at the end of the string. This operator is only allowed on some properties.

Escaping special characters in your filter

To not interfere with the parsing of the filter expression, certain escape sequences are necessary.

  • “$” is escaped with “$$”
  • “(” is escaped with “$(”
  • “)” is escaped with “$)”
  • “*” is escaped with “$*”
  • “,” is escaped with “$,”
  • “[” is escaped with “$[”
  • “]” is escaped with “$]”

Using null values in your filter

Should you want to filter for the nonexistence of a property (i.e. null value) you can use the null escape sequence.


Using in and not in operators

To determine whether a specified value matches any value in (or not in) a list you filter using the $in: or $nin: operator. The list to filter by has to be enclosed in brackets and values separated by commas.


It is possible to also use the $null: keyword if you wish to include that in the filter. The max supported length of an array using the $in: or $nin: operator is 200.


Sorting on strings is case insensitive.

Sort ascending

Sorting on collections can be done using the query string parameter ‘sort’.


Sort descending

The default sort direction is ascending, but this can be turned by prepending a minus (-).


Sort by multiple properties

If you need to sort by multiple properties these can just be separated by commas. Mixing of directions is allowed.


Sort alphabetically

In certain cases, you might want to enforce that even numeric values are sorted alphabetically, so 1000 is less than 30. In those cases, you can prepend the sort property with a tilde (~).


Sortable properties

Information about what properties are sortable can be found in the schema for the collection. Each property that allows sorting has the property "x-sortable": true set.


When it comes to retrieving a collection of items, you can use two distinct approaches:

  • Cursor-based pagination (continued loading of items using a cursor as a query parameter to get the next page of items)

    • This is the recommended approach, and the one you should use by default.
    • The endpoint naming scheme is "Retrieve all Items". (Usage: /{ITEM}?cursor={CURSOR_VALUE})
    • The maximum number of items returned in a single call is defined in the x-cursor-page-size extension of the response type. Usually, the size is 1000, but in some cases, where we explicitly state so, it can be smaller.
  • Classic pagination (limited functionality*. Specify skippages and pagesize as query parameters to get a specific page of items)

    • You should only consider using classic pagination, if you rely on loading pages (i.e. for list views or table/grid-based UI's).
    • The endpoint naming scheme is "Retrieve a page of Items". (Usage: /{ITEM}/paged?skippages=0&pagesize=20)
      * It's important to note that there is a limit of 10.000 items using this approach. Any items outside of the first 10.000 items will not be loaded.

Please bear in mind that the two approaches are supported by separate endpoints. To use classic pagination, add /paged to your request URL.

If you need to know the total count of items that you can expect to get from your search, you can use a separate endpoint called "Retrieve the number of Items".
You can also use the result of this endpoint to calculate the pagination navigation buttons for a table/grid-based UI.

Which approach should you use?

We highly recommend that you use cursor-based pagination because:

  • It is more performant and offers much faster retrieval of items;
  • It can be used for very large collections of many thousands or millions of items, whereas classic pagination is limited to only returning 10.000 results, everything else is ignored;
    Classic pagination is only appropriate when you have an app with a table/grid-based UI.

Cursor-based pagination

How it works

When you search for items in a large collection, the response will contain a first set of items and a cursor that you can use in a subsequent request to get the next series of items. This way you can retrieve the next set of items only when needed (if the first set suffices, you dont need to send a second request).

The first set of items usually consists of 1000 results, but in some cases, where we explicitly state so, there may be fewer.

Please note that the cursor is currently the id of the first item on the next set and it should not be mistaken for the number of items which are yet to be displayed. Also, if the cursor is not present in the response, it means that there are no more items in the results.

Real world example

I want to retrieve all subscriptions.

  1. I send a request to and get back an array of 1.000 subscriptions, and a cursor with value 34781

  2. I send a request for the next items in the resulting collection: and get back an array of 1.000 subscriptions and a cursor with value 87695

  3. I send a request for the next items in the result: and get back an array of 56 items and no cursor. No cursor means I have retrieved all the subscriptions, i.e. I have reached the end of the list.

Compound cursor pagination

We also provide compound cursor pagination for endpoints which return all sales document lines.


This will return all the first 1000 items ordered by document number and by line number.

Real world example

I want to retrieve all subscription lines

  1. I send a request to and get back an array of 1.000 lines and a cursor with value 20_100. This means that the first 1000 lines belong to subscriptions 1-20 and stopped at line 99 (or whichever the last line before 100 was) of subscription 20.

  2. I send a request for the next items in the resulting collection: and get back an array of 1.000 lines starting with subscription number 20, line number 100 and a cursor with value 70_25

  3. I send a request for the next items in the result: and get back an array of 56 items and no cursor.

Classic pagination

If no parameters are used, the collection endpoint returns 20 items at a time. URL parameters allow you to increase this to up to 100 items or to skip pages if necessary.

Real world example

I want to show a grid with page size of 50 and pagination navigation buttons.

  1. I send a request to see how many subscriptions there are in the collection:
    I get the number of subscriptions in the collection, 2056, and I can calculate the number of pages to be 2056 divided by 50 = 40 with 6 as remainder, meaning I have 41 pages total. I can then use this to present the user the navigation buttons.

  2. I send a request to retrieve the first page of subscriptions that my user will see:
    with this I get back an array of 50 subscriptions, sorted by number in descending order.

  3. Now if the user wants to see page number 6, I'll send a new request, skipping the first 5 pages to get the subscriptions from page number 6:
    I get back an array of 50 subscriptions that belong to page number 6 when sorting by number in descending order.

Number of items in a collection

As mentioned before we offer endpoint to get the count of items in the collection. You can also use this info for calculation of pagination navigation in case of classic pagination.


HTTP Status Codes

The Open API returns these HTTP status codes.

Code Text Description
200 OK Everything is OK
201 Created When you create resources, this is what you get. This will be accompanied by the created resource in the body and a location header with a link to the created resource.
204 No Content In certain cases there is nothing to return. So we will let you know by returning a 204.
400 Bad Request The request you made was somehow malformed. A malformed request could be failed validation on creation or updating. If you try to filter on something that isn’t filterable this is also what you’ll see. Whenever possible we will also try to include a developer hint to help you get around this issue.
401 Unauthorized The credentials you supplied us with weren’t correct, or perhaps you forgot them altogether. If an agreement has revoked the grant they gave your app, this is what you will see.
403 Forbidden You won’t necessarily have access to everything. So even though you were authorized we might still deny access to certain resources. This depends on the roles asked for when the grant was issued.
404 Not Found This is returned when you try to request something that doesn’t exist. This could be a resource that has been deleted or just a URL you tried to hack. If you see a lot of these, it could be an indication that you aren’t using the links provided by the API. You should never need to concatenate any URLs. The API should provide you with the links needed.
405 Method Not Allowed Not all endpoints support all HTTP methods. If you try issue a PUT request to a collection resource this is what you get.
409 Conflict The request cannot be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource. Retrieve the resource/object and try the update again. This is needed in order to prevent you from rolling back another user's update.
415 Unsupported Media Type Our API is a JSON api. If you ask us to give you anything else, we give you this, and tell you why in the JSON body of the response.
500 Internal Server Error We don’t like to see these, and they are flagged in our logs. When you see this, something went wrong on our end. Either try again, or contact our support.

Required and Readonly Properties

Since OpenAPI allows client generation based on the specification, we decided to use the same model/schema in our for both read and write endpoints where possible.

This led us to chose not to have the Id/Number in the URL parameter for PUT requests, but to use the one from the body, so there is no confusion.

When a property is marked as required it means you need to provide a value on each POST and PUT requests.

When a property is marked as readonly it means you should provide the same value you get in the GET requests, or do not send the property in the JSON at all (skip it).

Custom resource encoding

For some resource ids (the direct URL path to a resource) the question of non-alphanumeric characters must be solved in REST APIs by either encoding or replacement to ensure URL compatibility.

In the e-conomic REST API a subset of non-alphanumeric characters are replaced using a custom scheme for resource URLs:

Character Replacement
“<” 0
“>” 1
“*” 2
“%” 3
“:” 4
“&” 5
“/” 6
“\” 7
“_” 8
“ ” (whitespace) 9
“?” 10
“.” 11
“#” 12
“+” 13

Example: Product “My Awesome Product_Discount5%” Resource URL (self):

All other non-alphanumeric characters in resource URLs are standard URL encoded. Please refer to standard URL encoding for characters not mentioned above.

Implementation specifics

Helpful details to know when implementing e-conomic REST.


Booleans should only be expected to be represented in responses when true. A false boolean is omitted from response body. The same logic applies to write operations such as POST and PUT.


We do not generally accept null as a value and a validation exception should be expected. To null a property you must exclude it from your JSON on the write operation.

Object version

ObjectVersion is the mechanism that enforces updates only on latest state of an object. ObjectVersion property is mandatory in Put Requests. ObjectVersion property is retrieved on Get Request and needs to be included in Put Request. If object was modified between Get and Put requests, Put request will fail with error code 409 Conflict

  "message": "Update conflict. Version does not match.",
  "developerHint": "The resource has been updated by another user. Retrieve the resource/object and try the update again. This is needed in order to prevent you from rolling back another user's update.",
  "logId": "09580053-1141-4e7f-85e1-bed8600e0278",
  "logTimeUtc": "2021-11-04T09:07:56",
  "property": "version"

Idempotency tokens

Idempotency tokens are unique keys that help maintain the integrity of operations on the API’s. These tokens prevent accidental duplication of requests, ensuring that the same operation is not performed multiple times, even if the same request is sent repeatedly.

When making a request, you can set Idempotency-Key header with your own unique value for that specific request. In case of a network failure, if you don't get the response, you can retry the request with the same value for the header. Our system will prevent duplicate requests, instead you will get the original response from our cache.

Keep in mind that this is cached for only one hour window.

When we return a response from the cache, we set a response header X-ResultFromCache to true.

It’s important to note that you will be responsible for generating and keeping track of these keys.

The Idempotency Tokens feature is not available for GET requests.

The LastUpdated property of resources

The LastUpdated property shows the date when a resource was last updated. A resource is considered updated when any property in the model has been changed. If there aren’t any changes, LastUpdated will equal the creation date.

Please bear in mind that not all resources have a LastUpdated property. Also, sometimes the LastUpdated property is modified by changes to a different model, as is the case with sales documents. For example, when an invoice line is created, the LastUpdated field on the invoice is modified.

The main usage for this property is to help retrieve only data that has been changed within a certain interval. This will save processing and network time spent on the client side.

Usage example:$eq:lastUpdated$gt:2024-02-24 This will return all resources which have been updated since 24.02.2024.

Custom extensions in OpenAPI specification

In the specification file, there are some custom extensions that developers can make use of when consuming endpoints. Those extensions are always prefixed by x-.

  1. x-required-roles: The list of roles that are required for each group of endpoints.
  2. x-error-codes: The list of error codes that are potentially returned from each group of endpoints.
  3. x-cursor-page-size: The maximum number of items in CursorResults that can be returned in a single call.



Application secret token needed to access the endpoints.

Security Scheme Type: API Key
Header parameter name: X-AppSecretToken


Agreement grant token needed to access the endpoints.

Security Scheme Type: API Key
Header parameter name: X-AgreementGrantToken


budget-figures endpoint return a collection of all budget figures on an agreement

Examples of use cases:

  • Retrieve all budget figures
  • Retrieve single budget figure
Click to see the list of possible error codes.
Error Code Description
AccountNotFound Account not found
ToDateBeforeFromDate The toDate must be before fromDate

Required application roles: SuperUser or Bookkeeping More info

Retrieve single BudgetFigure

Use this endpoint to load a single BudgetFigure by number.

path Parameters
integer <int32>


Response Schema: application/json
integer <int32>

The account number for the budget figure

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, nin

Sortable: false

number <double>

The budget amount set in default currency of the agreement

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, nin

Sortable: false

string <date-time>

The start date for the budget figure

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte

Sortable: false

string <date-time>

The end date for the budget figure

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte

Sortable: false

integer <int32>

The unique number for the budget figure

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, nin

Sortable: true

string or null

The object version, required for PUT requests to help ensure that updates made by others don’t get overwritten.

Filterable: not filterable

Sortable: false

string or null

The text for the budget figure

Filterable: not filterable

Sortable: false

Response samples

Content type
  • "number": 0,
  • "accountNumber": 0,
  • "fromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "toDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "amountDefaultCurrency": 0,
  • "text": "string",
  • "objectVersion": "string"

Delete single BudgetFigure

Use this endpoint to delete a single BudgetFigure by number.

path Parameters
integer <int32>


Response samples

Content type
  • "type": "string",
  • "title": "string",
  • "status": 0,
  • "detail": "string",
  • "instance": "string",
  • "traceId": "string",
  • "errorCode": "string",
  • "traceTimeUtc": "string",
  • "errors": [

Retrieve all BudgetFigures

Use this endpoint to retrieve all BudgetFigures in bulk.
The maximum number of items returned in a single call is defined in the x-cursor-page-size extension of the response type. Usually, the size is 1000, but in some cases, where we explicitly state so, it can be smaller than that.
Use the continuation cursor parameter to set the cursor for retrieval of the next set of data.
Use the continuation cursor parameter to set the cursor for retrieval of the next set of data.
Please check the pagination instructions.

query Parameters
string [ 0 .. 50 ] characters

Use this parameter to set the continuation cursor for paging. Pagination instructions


Use this parameter to set the filtering for fields. filtering instructions


Response Schema: application/json
string or null

Use this continuation cursor in a request back to continue the list. In case there are no more items to retrieve, the cursor is not returned at all.

Read-only: true

Filterable: not filterable

Sortable: false

Array of objects or null (BudgetFigure)

Max number of items returned is 1000.

Filterable: not filterable

Sortable: false

Response samples

Content type
  • "cursor": "234",
  • "items": [

Create a single BudgetFigure

Use this endpoint to create a single BudgetFigure.

Request Body schema: application/json
integer <int32>

The account number for the budget figure

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, nin

Sortable: false

number <double>

The budget amount set in default currency of the agreement

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, nin

Sortable: false

string <date-time>

The start date for the budget figure

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte

Sortable: false

string <date-time>

The end date for the budget figure

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte

Sortable: false

integer <int32>

The unique number for the budget figure

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, nin

Sortable: true

string or null

The object version, required for PUT requests to help ensure that updates made by others don’t get overwritten.

Filterable: not filterable

Sortable: false

string or null

The text for the budget figure

Filterable: not filterable

Sortable: false


Response Schema: application/json
integer <int32>

Filterable: not filterable

Sortable: false

Request samples

Content type
  • "accountNumber": 0,
  • "fromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "toDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "amountDefaultCurrency": 0

Response samples

Content type
  • "number": 0

Update a single BudgetFigure

Use this endpoint to update a single BudgetFigure.

Request Body schema: application/json
integer <int32>

The account number for the budget figure

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, nin

Sortable: false

number <double>

The budget amount set in default currency of the agreement

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, nin

Sortable: false

string <date-time>

The start date for the budget figure

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte

Sortable: false

string <date-time>

The end date for the budget figure

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte

Sortable: false

integer <int32>

The unique number for the budget figure

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, nin

Sortable: true

string or null

The object version, required for PUT requests to help ensure that updates made by others don’t get overwritten.

Filterable: not filterable

Sortable: false

string or null

The text for the budget figure

Filterable: not filterable

Sortable: false


Request samples

Content type
  • "accountNumber": 0,
  • "fromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "toDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "amountDefaultCurrency": 0

Response samples

Content type
  • "type": "string",
  • "title": "string",
  • "status": 0,
  • "detail": "string",
  • "instance": "string",
  • "traceId": "string",
  • "errorCode": "string",
  • "traceTimeUtc": "string",
  • "errors": [

Retrieve a page of BudgetFigures

Use this endpoint to load a page of BudgetFigures.

query Parameters

Use this parameter to set the filtering for fields. Filtering instructions

integer <int32> [ 1 .. 100 ]
Default: 20

Use this parameter to set the page size. Pagination instructions

integer <int32> [ 0 .. 100 ]
Default: 0

Use this parameter to set number of pages to skip. Pagination instructions


Use this parameter to set the sort fields and direction. Sort instructions


Response Schema: application/json
integer <int32>

The account number for the budget figure

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, nin

Sortable: false

number <double>

The budget amount set in default currency of the agreement

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, nin

Sortable: false

string <date-time>

The start date for the budget figure

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte

Sortable: false

string <date-time>

The end date for the budget figure

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte

Sortable: false

integer <int32>

The unique number for the budget figure

Filterable: eq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, nin

Sortable: true

string or null

The object version, required for PUT requests to help ensure that updates made by others don’t get overwritten.

Filterable: not filterable

Sortable: false

string or null

The text for the budget figure

Filterable: not filterable

Sortable: false

Response samples

Content type
  • {

Retrieve the number of BudgetFigures

Call this endpoint to get the number of BudgetFigures. You can use filtering as well.

query Parameters

Use this parameter to set the filtering for fields. Filtering instructions


Response Schema: application/json
integer <int32>

Response samples

Content type